White Sandwich Loaf

Serves: 2 to (4)
Preparation Time: 10 minutes
Rising Time: 1½ hours
Baking Time: 30 minutes
175g (350g) plain flour
10g (20g) fresh yeast
15g (30g) butter
150ml (300ml) milk
½ tsp (1 tsp) caster sugar
1 tsp (2 tsp) salt

Serves: 6
Preparation Time: 10 minutes
Rising Time: 1½ hours
Baking Time: 30 minutes
500g plain flour
30g fresh yeast
45g butter
400ml milk
1½ tsp caster sugar
3 tsp salt

Serves: 8
Preparation Time: 10 minutes 
Rising Time: 1½ hours
Baking Time: 30 minutes
750g plain flour
45g fresh yeast
60g butter
600ml milk
2 tsp caster sugar
4 tsp salt

Method (all Magimix Food Processor models):
  1. Dissolve yeast in the milk.
  2. Tip flour, sugar and salt into bowl with dough hook.
  3. Switch on.
  4. Add milk and softened butter via feed tube.
  5. Stop kneading as soon as dough starts to wrap around hook.
  6. Cover bowl with cloth.
  7. Leave to rise for 1 hour.
  8. Knock down dough by pulsing 4 to 5 times.
  9. Preheat oven to 180 deg C (gas mark 4).
  10. Put dough in buttered loaf tin.
  11. Leave to prove for 30 minutes at room temperature.
  12. Bake for 30 minutes.
  13. Allow to cool slightly before turning out.
To prevent bread browning too much, cover with sheet of foil after 15 minutes baking. If using a 5200 for 8 people, divide the dough between 2 loaf tins.

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