Asparagus Soup

Serves: 2 to (4)
Preparation Time: 20 minutes
Cooking Time: 25 minutes
300g (400g) Asparagus
2 Potatoes
30g (40g) Butter
2 tbsp (3 tbsp) Creme Fraiche
1 (2) Shallots
3 (4) sprigs of Chervil
400ml (600ml) Water
Salt & pepper to taste

Serves: 6
Preparation Time: 30 minutes
Cooking Time: 30 minutes
600g Asparagus
3 Potatoes
60g Butter
5 tbsp Creme Fraiche
3 Shallots
6 sprigs of Chervil
800ml Water
Salt & pepper to taste

Serves: 8
Preparation Time:30 minutes
Cooking Time: 30 minutes
800g Asparagus
4 Potatoes
80g Butter
6 tbsp Creme Fraiche
4 Shallots
8 sprigs of Chervil
1000ml Water
Salt & pepper to taste

Method (all Magimix Food Processor models):
  1. Peel the asparagus and potatoes.
  2. Slice asparagus and potatoes using 4mm slicing disc.
  3. Peel shallots.
  4. Wash and dry the chervil.
  5. Chop shallots and chervil in mini bowl.
  6. Melt butter in a pan.
  7. Fry shallot/chervil mixture for 1 minute, stirring constantly.
  8. Add potatoes and pour in enough water to cover.
  9. Season with salt and pepper.
  10. Cook potatoes, add asparagus.
  11. Strain and reserve cooking water.
  12. Transfer to bowl with metal blade fitted.
  13. Pulse 3 times.
  14. Run processor and gradually add the cooking water via feed tube until soup reaches desired consistency.
  15. Add creme fraiche.
  16. Serve immediately.

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