
Serves: 2 to (4)
Preparation Time: 10 minutes
Rising Time:2½ hours
Baking Time: 20 minutes
150g (250g) plain flour
10g (20g) fresh yeast
50g (100g) butter
20g (30g) caster sugar
2 (3) eggs
5 tsp (7 tsp) milk
2 (4) pinches of salt

Serves: 6
Preparation Time: 10 minutes
Rising Time:2½ hours
Baking Time: 30 minutes
380g plain flour
30g fresh yeast
150g butter
40g caster sugar
5 eggs
10 tsp milk
6 pinches of salt

Serves: 8
Preparation Time: 10 minutes
Rising Time:2½ hours
Baking Time: 30 minutes
500g plain flour
40g fresh yeast
200g butter
60g caster sugar
6 eggs
20 tsp milk
8 pinches of salt

Method (all Magimix Food Processor models):
  1. Dissolve yeast in milk.
  2. Set aside.
  3. Place butter, salt, sugar yeast and half the flour in bowl with dough hook.
  4. Blend.
  5. Add remaining flour via feed tube.
  6. Add eggs one by one via the feed tube.
  7. Knead until dough rolls up around the dough hook.
  8. Leave dough to rise in the food processor bowl for ½ hour.
  9. Knock down dough by kneading for 15 seconds.
  10. Remove dough to buttered brioche tin.
  11. Leave to prove in a warm place for 2 hours.
  12. Pre-heat oven to 180 deg C (gas mark 4).
  13. Bake for time specified above.
  14. Turn out brioche while still warm.
  15. Eat immediately.
If using quantities for 6 to 8 people, divide the dough between two brioche tins.

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